10 February 2024 

2024, a record year for Miracle Babies 'Reach' 

Every year in Australia, 48,000 babies are born premature or sick and sadly, up to 1,000 of these babies will lose their fight for life. Babies can go on to face lifelong challenges including disabilities, developmental delays and behavioural challenges. It is crucial that parents have the right support as research proves that children of parents with poor emotional health are less likely to thrive.

Through an independent study conducted by the Impact Institute, the benefits of peer support programs, just like the Miracle Babies Foundation NurtureProgram were evident, further solidifying the need for programs like this within hospitals and within the community for vulnerable groups.

Our NurtureProgram includes NurtureLine (24 Hour Family Support Line), NurtureTime (in-hospital emotional support) and NurtureGroups (community play and support groups, for after discharge). This also includes the distribution of our NurtureProgram Resources, via hospitals.

The below support interactions were achieved in 2024.
NurtureProgram Services
NurtureTime (in hospital support) - 6,864 Support Interactions with families in the Neonatal unit. This is a 104% increase vs the previous year.

NurtureGroup (free play and support groups) - 1,807 Support Interactions.

NurtureLine (24hr Support Line) - There were 2,590 calls via our NurtureLine, 24 hour family support helpline. This is a 31% increase vs the previous year.
NurtureProgram Resources
NurtureResources (vital tools and resources packs) - 9,484 resources packs were distributed to hospitals in 2024. This is a 12% increase vs the previous year.

Special Day NurtureResources - 4,418 Special day resources were distributed to hospitals during Mother's Day, Father's Day and Christmas. This is a 7% increase vs the previous year.

We are so excited to announce that 2024 was our biggest year of reaching families impacted by a premature or sick birth.


This is an incredible 26% increase vs 2023 support interactions. This results in:

Almost 1 in 2 families were supported nationally by Miracle Babies through our NurtureProgram.

A huge thank you to our miracle families, supporters, volunteers and the community who supported us in 2024. Without all the support we received, we wouldn't have been able to support this many families of premature and sick newborns.

In 2024, We also achieved over 500,000 page views on our website for support, education and information. Our Nurture E Information Hub is a valuable resource assisting families through different life stages from Pregnancy to Adulthood and the years between.

Would you like to help?

It costs $143 to provide full support to one family throughout their hospital journey. Help us reach more families with vital, emotional support and resources during their NICU or Special Care stay with a premature or critically ill newborn.

Make a one-off donation or join our Mission for Miracles program by becoming a regular giver. Just $10 each week will make a huge difference.


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