Amiya, 23 Weeks

Miracle Mum Jasmine shares Amiya's story:

I went into the hospital at just 21 weeks and 4 days I had bleeding and on examination, my cervix was dilated, and my waters were bulging. They took me theatre to try and sew my cervix shut however by the time I was put under anaesthetic I was already fully dilated and there was nothing they could do. I was told my waters were going to beak in 24-48 hours and the baby wouldn't be viable. If I wanted, they could break the waters and I could just go home. Although all we heard was bad news, I was determined to do everything I could to keep her inside me. I had 100% faith that she would make it all the way despite what was being told to us. She was still kicking me all the time and that was just a reminder to me to know she was okay. I stayed on bed rest and had a catheter put in so I wouldn't need to get up. I made it to 22 weeks and my baby was now deemed viable. I was flown to Townsville University Hospital where they are able to care for extremely preterm babies. I managed to make it to 23 weeks and 1 day before my waters broke and they induced the labour. I had both rounds of steroids for the baby's lungs and magnesium for her brain. She weighed just 450 grams and was ventilated right away. She eventually got sick with CMV and MRSA was found in her lungs. There were times when they didn't think she would make it she was on 100 per cent oxygen and nitrate. They allowed skin-to-skin at this time as she was critical. However, she pulled through by the grace of God. She had injections in her eyes for ROP and still gets checkups. She is on home oxygen and a feeding tube and now weighs 5.38kg. Eventually, she will be off oxygen and her feeding tube. She is growing and thriving. After a long 161 days in the hospital, we are finally enjoying being home with our perfect little princess Amiya. We can't thank the NICU team at Townsville enough for the love and care she received. We will be forever grateful to them for saving our baby's life.

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