Miracle Mum, Ashlee shares Angus’ story.
"I had a relaxed pregnancy until I was 26 weeks pregnant. In my previous pregnancy, I was told not to stress and all I did was stress, so during this pregnancy I relaxed.
At 26 weeks I had a bit of unusual bleeding so I went to the hospital to have a check-up and had an ultrasound which showed that my baby was tiny and appeared to have stopped growing. From there I was admitted and it was the longest 6 weeks of my life.
"I had a relaxed pregnancy until I was 26 weeks pregnant. In my previous pregnancy, I was told not to stress and all I did was stress, so during this pregnancy I relaxed. I was 1.5 hours away from my 10-month-old at home and under COVID restrictions.
At 32 weeks Angus was delivered via c-section at a tiny 1258grams. He spent 5.5 weeks in the NICU with minimal monitoring just had to chunk up.
It was a rollercoaster of a ride, but Angus just turned 1 and we are so blessed to have this healthy chunky boy now".

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