Chloe, 29 Weeks

Miracle mum Amanda shares Chloe's story:

Chloe was born at 29 weeks due to preeclampsia. I went to the hospital due to a bleed and didn't even know how poorly I was. I was that poorly due to the preeclampsia that the nurse asked my husband to sign the permission form for an emergency c section.
It wasn't till after that he told me it was to save my life, not hers! I can't imagine what he went through to make that decision.
Chloe was in hospital for 4 months and had several complications along the way.
NEC, Chronic Lung disease and countless blood transfusions.
The first time I held her, she was two weeks old, and I got 5 mins...that broke me!
No one prepares you for the emotional roller coaster of having a baby, but you can't have your baby!
She was a fighter and still to this day, she is as tough as they come.
She came home weighing 4lbs and she is now 13!
She is our hero, our miracle baby, and we will never forget about the fight and strength she had to be here!
Our warrior Chloe ❤️

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