Evelyn, 23 Weeks

Miracle mum Kandida shares Evelyn's story:

I went into hospital the day before Evelyn was born with contractions but all tests led doctors to believe I wasn’t in preterm labour until it was too late. She was born unresponsive, but fortunately they revived her. I had had a full placental abruption. A few hours later she was retrieved by Neorescue and taken to RBWH where she spent 120 days in NICU. She had a small PDA, a grade 2 brain bleed, ROP & lung disease of prematurity. She spent a further 40 days at RBWH & Caboolture SCN before she was discharged home on oxygen. She was on oxygen for 22 months & discharged from physio around the same time. She is now a happy, healthy & mischievous almost 5-year-old.

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