Hassan, 26 Weeks

Miracle mum Fatemah shares Hassan's story:

I will never forget Thursday 11th of April 10am when my waters broke at work and I was only 25 weeks and 2 days pregnant with my first baby. Rushing to St George hospital terrified, anxious and worried if baby is going to be okay. The beautiful nurse on the door as I rushed into the emergency department quickly asked when she seen me crying are you okay and I explained to her what happened quickly put me on the wheelchair and took me upstairs herself to birthing and I was attended to within seconds arriving. After know baby’s okay and hearing the heart beat i automatically became less stressed and at ease. A steroid shot ultra sound and antibiotic drip later they then explained to me that they couldn’t help me any further and I needed to transferred to Royal Women’s Hospital in Randwick.

8 day later after being on bed rest and endless close monitoring on ctg doctors finally decided that they had to bring on my labour as infection levels spiked due to my ruptured membrane, and they didn’t want myself or baby to get ill and sick. After 11 hours of labour my cervix was still not dilating and baby was getting into distress so doctors decided to take me in for an emergency c section. Friday 19th April baby Hassan was born at 932 grams and 35cm. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to experience the baby straight after birth on my chest as he had to be instantly looked after and connected to breathing support by doctors and tacked into the NICU. 88 days later endless hours of hospital visits, kangaroo care and never ending blood tests and scans Hassan is now a healthy baby at 38 weeks 3 days gestation Hassan is weighing 3.47kg and is 47.5cm and leaving the hospital to come home . 🙏🙏🙏

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