Ingrid's Story, 23 Weeks   

Ingrid entered the world at only 23 weeks and 4 days. She was a fighter from the start and fought against all odds.

Miracle Mum Jessie remembers being prepared for a tough battle ahead.

“We were told we would never get home before her due date and she would most likely have lifelong complications. But our little girl proved everyone wrong.
We were told she had a grade 3 brain bleed, problems with her eyes, prolonged hole in her heart and major issues with her lungs. Slowly but surely, she overcame all complications. She came off all ventilation support and kicked all the goals needed to get home 3 days before her due date.
She is developing normally and has no apparent deficits. Her only sign of prematurity is that she is small.
She really lives up to Shakespeare’s saying ‘though she be but little, she is fierce!’”

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