Miracle mum Jessica shares Isabella's story
"Isabella was always measuring small during my pregnancy. Because of her size at 30 weeks, I had my scan at King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth which is a specialist hospital. I was told that although she was measuring small, things were looking good.
At my 32 week scan, everything changed and changed fast.
I had pre-eclampsia high blood pressure, my placenta wasn't doing as it should and we were worried about losing fluid and blood flow to the baby's brain.
My specialist asked me to come back in a couple of days to check everything. A few days later when I returned, my specialist told me before the scan that I would be having this baby very soon.
When I asked 'how soon' and he replied 'next week', I burst into tears. He did the scan and again asked me to return in a few days to be monitored.
I returned twice and on my second check-up, he told me I was having this baby tomorrow.
My Christmas Eve Miracle was born very small at 1.2kgs. Isabella was born healthy and needed to spend time in the NICU.
While still in theatre they told me I was lucky that I had my daughter when I did as my placenta was getting pulled out in pieces and we both could have died.
Isabella spent 2 weeks in King Edward Memorial Hospital. She didn't need any CPAP, only at birth just to make sure all was all good. She just needed to feed and gain weight. After 2 weeks, Isabella was transferred to a closer hospital to continue to gain weight and learn to feed.
Isabella was in hospital for 5 weeks. She is doing amazing now and I couldn't be more proud of her.
At 14 weeks she was weighing 3.6kgs!"

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