Jaxon, 30 Weeks

Miracle Mum Danielle shares Jaxon's story:

Our beautiful Jaxon was born at 30+2 weeks gestation. My pregnancy wasn't that small sailing, we had a miscarriage scare just after 3 months, awful ligament pain and morning sickness throughout most of it. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 27 weeks.
Sunday, July 30th 11.30pm, some odd pains going on, I tried to go to sleep thinking it was just him growing and the pains would go away. Pains were on and off for a few hours so we called the hospital and I went to get checked at 3.15 am. They did some tests and confirmed I was in labour. Everything then all went crazy, I was whizzed over an hour North from our local hospital to King Eddies, North Perth and arrived there around 7am, my waters broke and little man was born at 9.58am, he cried the most beautiful cry!
There was no time to process what had just happened, it felt so surreal. I was able to hold him for a short few seconds and then he was off to NICU. He was born at 1.7kg.
I wasn't able to be with him right away as I had to have a manual placenta removal, time felt like it was standing still and all I wanted to do was get to my baby. My partner was with him and she updated me as much as possible, taking photos to show me as she explained.
He was on CPAP as his lungs were quite immature, he had jaundice and after his brain scans he had an IVH grade 2.
He spent the first week on CPAP, then moving to High-Flo and then back to CPAP.
We had a very emotional journey, ups and downs but he was so strong he came off the CPAP and went back to High-Flo and did so well this time, he was ready for that step then. We moved out of the NICU to SCN 2 and he went from strength to strength. He took a while to get the hang of bottle feeding but he got it in the end and then we moved to SCN 3.
I went to the hospital everyday to see Jaxon, the travel was far and traffic was always a nightmare, we travelled well over 2 hours, as we have a dog at home who needs medication every morning and night.
After 7 long weeks in hospital, our beautiful boy came home!
It feels like a lifetime ago that we were in the NICU but at the same time it feels like only yesterday.
Jaxon is now 4 and a half months old weighing over 5kg, in 000 clothes and doing so well.
He loves his mornings and is the smiliest boy. He is very vocal and likes to be heard, if the room is quiet, he ensures it isn't for long.

The staff at King Eddies and Rockingham Hospital were absolutely out of this world! From the obstetrician who helped deliver Jaxon whilst reassuring me to the nurses, doctors, cleaners, volunteers, everyone played a huge part in his development and him coming home.
Jaxon has completed our family, we are the perfect 3 with 4 furry brothers and sisters for him. Me and his mumma are so grateful and appreciative of all our family and friends who supported us and continue to support us.

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