Liam, 36 Weeks

Miracle Mum Ashley shares Liam's story:

"During my pregnancy I experienced high blood pressure, requring a 3 day admission and regular monitoring, at around 34 weeks it was discovered Liam had reduced growth and blood flow aswell as gradually reducing fluids.

At 36 week 5 days I was taken in for an emergency c section. When Liam was delivered, his blood was so thick it looked black. At birth he was diagnosed with polythycemia, hypoglycaemia and hypothermia. He was taken to NICU and started on a glucose drip ASAP. He remained on the glucose drip for a week before being IV free. He also needed a partial blood transfusion, in which 30ml of his blood was removed and replaced with 30ml of sailine.

He then spent a further 2 weeks growing and establishing feeding before he was deemed well enough to come home. That was not the end of our journey, at 6 months Liam began to show signs of a condition called Neurofibromatosis Type 1, a condition I live with, now at 18 months he has finally been officially diagnosed.

He will face a lifetime of annual checks, potential learning difficulties and tumor growths throughout his body. It is a very livable condition but is very unpredictable. He also has a potential language delay and will soon start speech therapy to investigate.

Other than this he is a bright a bubbly little guy who loves nothing more than a cuddle. He brings our lives so much joy and watching him how and play with his older brother is the highlight of my life.."


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