Nurture E Information Hub
Qazi Iqbal, Mir M. Younus, Asif Ahmed, Ikhlas Ahmad, Javed Iqbal, Bashir A. Charoo, and S Wajid Ali
“Advances in perinatal and neonatal care have significantly reduced neonatal morbidity and mortality rates. Outcome in sick infants has improved significantly, mostly due to more effective newborn intensive care and aggressive respiratory and cardiovascular support. It is the introduction of widespread mechanical ventilation in the neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) during 1960s and 1970s and its judicious use since, which has revolutionized the outcome and survival of sick newborns”
When babies are born very early, very small, or with health problems, they may need help with breathing. Sometimes, their lungs need extra support to get enough oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. This is where a machine called a mechanical ventilator can help.
What is Mechanical Ventilation?
Mechanical ventilation is provided by a machine (ventilator) that helps babies breathe when they cannot do it on their own. The machine gives small puffs of air to your baby, just like when we take deep breaths. To provide mechanical ventilation, your baby will need an endotracheal tube. This is a narrow tube that is gently placed in your baby’s windpipe (trachea) to connect them to the ventilator.
The amount of oxygen, pressure and number of breaths per minute can be controlled to meet each baby’s needs. Your baby will be watched very closely by the healthcare team and may need a peripheral or umbilical arterial line to monitor their progress. Once their lungs are strong enough, the baby may move on to CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) or high or low flow nasal oxygen before they can manage completely on their own.
Babies might need a ventilator because:
The doctors will explain why your baby needs this support and how long they might need it.
Even though the machines and tubes can look overwhelming, you can still do things to help your baby feel safe and loved:
Remember, the ventilator is there to give your baby the best chance to grow stronger.
Useful Links
Raising Children Network
Medline Plus
Panda - Perinatal Mental Health
COPE – Centre of Perinatal Excellence
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