Navaeh & Dana, 24 Weeks

Miracle Mum Bellerive shares Navaeh & Dana's story:

I was a teen mom expecting twin pregnancy. I ended up having preterm labour. I was taken to the closest hospital at the time. Twin A was head down and twin B was sideways. With that being said my water had already broke and I was fully dilated, there was no time to transfer me to a hospital for premature babies. So they called to air life teams to assist my babies. My daughters were born via emergency cesarean. My twins were born at 24 weeks 2 days gestation. They were very unstable. They were transferred to the number hospital for premature babies Presbyterian St Luke’s. I was told with my daughters being born 16 weeks early their survival rate was low and that the first week of life will be 50/50 of good or bad. Unfortunately, my daughter Twin B passed away two days after birth of internal bleeding of her lungs. My daughter Twin A fought for her life. She underwent open heart surgery at 1 week old, when she was 1 month she underwent severe NEC and resection of the bowel at 4kg. She stayed in the NICU for 6 months due to poor weight gain malabsorption and malnutrition. She also ended up having ROP laser eye surgery twice. She finally went home at 6 months. Right away started therapies specialist doctors. She started doing really good. She had a couple bumps in the road where she had some blockage from her NEC. Time went on she got all the services and helped she needed. Then she was diagnosed with combined ADHD and Intellectual disability. In 2020 she started having more issues. Then she was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease and a rare blood disorder. She currently sees 3 therapists 1 counsellor, psychiatrist, a gastroenterologist, hematologist, sleep medicine neurologist, gyn for all her needs. Right now she is doing good. She is 12 years old goes to school full time with all the help she needs there with her IEP and SSN. And all her services and doctors now. She does have her ups and downs with Crohn’s which we do infusion every 4 weeks. I would do anything for my babies. Thank you for reading. Like I always say if my babies can go through everything so can I and I can fight so much harder for the things my kids deserve. Don’t give up.

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