Oliver, 24 Weeks

Miracle Mum Rebecca shares Oliver's story:

At 23 weeks and 6 days I was admitted into hospital due to heavy bleeding and my membrane pushing through my cervix. 

I stayed in the hospital on bed rest for 4 days and at 24+3 weeks our little miracle decided it was time to enter the world. I was rushed in for an emergency c-section and Oliver was born at 1.29 pm at 710 grams taking breathes on his own. He was rushed to the NICU and incubated due to his lungs being too small. He did really well for the first month then on day 30 we got the call to come in and prepare to say our goodbyes. Oliver had contracted an infection that he had been fighting for a few days, but no one could work out what it was. He was rushed into emergency surgery to investigate, and they found that he had Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). He lost most of his small bowel, but they saved his life.

He spent 138 days in NICU overcoming another round of NEC, a PDA, chronic lung disease, ROP and multiple blood transfusions.We were then moved to the paediatric ward where we spent another 26 days trying to gain weight and dealing with the diagnosis of short gut syndrome. 

Oliver is now almost months corrected and weighing over 5kgs. He just had his last surgery and is thriving.

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