Miracle Mum, Kuljit shares Pavit's story
"During my pregnancy, I experienced nausea and vomiting in the first trimester, followed by very bad body rashes and itching. This continued until I was 31 weeks.
At ten weeks, I had a bit of unusual bleeding, so I went to the hospital to have a check-up. The ultrasound showed that I had a hematoma which was resolved in later ultrasounds, but I was advised to take bed rest.
At 14 weeks my baby was fine, but they could not detect the nasal bone. That was horrible, but they performed some tests and found that I had a two-vessel cord and oligohydramnios.
At 31 weeks Pavit Kaur was delivered. I was relaxing at home when suddenly my water broke, and I was rushed to the hospital. Doctors had to do a forceps delivery. I had PPH, I was in shock, but fortunately, I was in safe hands. On the other side, Pavit was not breathing at the time of birth, but the doctors did a great job in saving Pavit’s life.
Our little warrior then had surgery on the 3rd day of her life because she had duodenal atresia. Also, things did not end here. Our premmie girl also has hydrocephalus and was under the neurosurgeon. She recovered until her due date and stayed in the hospital. She was closely monitored by a team of professionals who gave her a new life.
At 31 weeks our warrior was delivered at a tiny 1158 grams. She spent 52 days in the NICU with close monitoring. It was really sad for us as parents to go back home alone. Also, it was during COVID-19, so we were very scared about the hospital journey. But the doctors and nurses were very supportive. Everything was worth it when we see those cute little smiles.
Motherhood is beautiful when I cherish all these memories.
It was a rollercoaster of a ride, but Pavit recently turned six months, and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. It’s really a miracle that has happened to me.

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