Saba Mughal; Yusra Azhar; Waquar Siddiqui.
Childbirth is a difficult and exhausting process. A female goes through a lot of hormonal, physical, emotional, and psychological changes throughout pregnancy. Tremendous changes occur in the mother's familial and interpersonal world. After childbirth, a mother can experience varied emotions ranging from joy and pleasure to sadness and crying bouts. These feelings of sadness and tearfulness are called "baby blues," and they tend to decrease over the first 2 weeks after delivery.
Around one in seven women can develop postpartum depression (PPD). While women experiencing baby blues tend to recover quickly, PPD tends to be longer and severely affects women's ability to return to normal function. PPD affects the mother and her relationship with the infant. Maternal brain response and behaviour are compromised in PPD. According to Beck in 2006, as many as half of PPD in new mothers go undiagnosed because of conflict in privacy and not wanting to disclose to close family members. There is also a stigma around new mothers in that disclosure may lead to abandonment and fear of lack of Support.
Please also see latest version of the National Clinical Guidelines.
Postnatal depression is a common, but debilitating condition that affects one in seven women following the birth of their baby. Unlike the baby blues which passes on its own, postnatal depression can be long-lasting, and affect your ability to cope with a new baby.
Depression makes coping and managing from day to day difficult – at any time of life. When considering therefore the additional demands of caring for a baby and/or others, the impacts can be greater. These other demands on you can also make it hard to find the energy and strength to get on top of postnatal depression on your own sometimes.
It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of postnatal depression and seek effective treatment early.
Symptoms of postnatal depression
If you are experiencing a number of these symptoms, and these are lasting for two weeks or more in the first year of having your baby, you may be experiencing postnatal depression.
These symptoms of postnatal depression can develop gradually or within a short period of time. In some women, depression may develop during pregnancy (antenatal depression) and continue through to the postnatal period (postnatal depression), whilst for others postnatal depression will develop for the first time in the weeks or months after the baby is born.
Postnatal depression in parents of premature and sick babies
When a baby is born early or sick, parents often describe experiencing a range of emotions and reactions including:
Separation from their baby while in Neonatal Intensive and Special Care Units and fear of the unknown immediate and long-term impacts can also affect a premature or sick baby parent’s emotional wellbeing.
Research has indicated that mothers of very premature babies or very sick babies are more likely to experience depressive symptoms one month following the birth of their baby.
Forty per cent of mothers of very premature babies indicated experiencing depressive symptoms. Postnatal stress and anxiety are also likely to be significantly higher. Fathers are also likely to be significantly impacted.
In addition, studies have shown that mothers still have higher rates of psychological distress two and seven years after having a very preterm baby.
Whilst you may feel like you are the only one going through this at the time – you are not alone. Having a baby increases the likelihood of developing depression at this time more than at any other time of her life.
Having a premature or sick baby can be extremely stressful, exhausting and overwhelming. While leaning on friends and loved ones for practical assistance is key, particularly if you have older children to care for too, it’s important to access professional support if you’re struggling.
It is important to seek help early, so that you can reduce these negative impacts of postnatal depression on you, your life and your family.
Postnatal depression can be treated and managed. The faster you seek effective help, the faster you can recover.
Useful Links
Special thanks for Cope – Centre for Perinatal Excellence for content sharing and providing support for families.
COPE – Centre for Perinatal Excellence
Panda - Perinatal Mental Health
Beyond Blue - Mental Health Support
For When – Perinatal Mental Health and Wellbeing
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