Miracle mum Sandy shares Amelia's story:
After a year of trying, we finally got blessed with our little miracle baby. Everything tracked well and was looking great, until our 20-week scan, where it was flagged that our baby was measuring quite small, but healthy, and they wanted to recheck in a couple weeks. At 26 weeks, our baby was measuring <3rd percentile in her femur length, as <1st percentile in her weight. And from there, began our weekly CTG monitoring appointments in the hospital and weekly scans. We didn’t know when she was going to need to come out and were told the moment she stops growing or is in distress, she will be delivered. This sent us into a world of anxiety and uncertainty, just wanting our little girl to be okay. Week by week was a blessing, a miracle making it to 32 weeks. From there, on to 36 weeks I was having Braxton kicks, but she was okay and growing slowly but still safe inside. Monitoring had increased to 4 times weekly, with a few emergency appointments needed due to lack of movement. At 36 weeks, I was given steroid injections to help babies lungs, and we were scheduled for a c-section at 36w6d. Our little girl decided at 36w2d that she had enough, and with a day that started with some spotting, ended in an emergency caesarean that gave us our daughter. The doctors were incredible that day, and the staff that supported her for the week she needed to be admitted were our life savers. Leaving the hospital 1.97kg, our now 9kg 8-month-old is our biggest joy and our little fighter 🩷
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