Miracle mum Jade shares Zavian's story:
I fell pregnant with Zavian 8 months after having a high risk pregnancy with his older brother-(In hospital under MFM team from 30 Weeks and having hypertriglyceridemia he was born at 36wks) We knew the risks were incredibly high with this pregnancy and our high risk team were expecting me to be in hospital full-time again from 27wks onwards, but we went into the pregnancy knowing what I needed to do to keep my body as healthy as possible and try to defy the odds stacked against us. 29wks came along, and I remember talking with my team at 8am that morning-each week I had to do blood tests to see my triglyceride levels this would result in a call every Tuesday morning to see if I had to pack my bags and head to hospital the next day for plasmapheresis. This 8am call was positive, "whatever you're doing, keep up the good work, levels are great and no need to come in tomorrow, we'll wait for bloods next week again!". An hour later, I was driving myself to the local hospital in severe kidney pain, I knew it was a kidney stone! 24 hours later on the Wednesday morning I was flown to Townsville Hospital. Unfortunately, the emergency button was activated at 8pm Friday night because I had sepsis. I was rushed to ICU and intubated. Our little 29wk old bub was born via emergency ceasearian within hours. My partner was then told I was not going to make it unless they placed a stent in my kidney, but the risk was going to be high if they released too much more toxins into my body I wouldn't make it either. 4 days later I woke to a photo of my little warrior it took a few minutes to register that was my baby boy that was no longer in my tummy where he was when I went to sleep! I was able to go and meet him the following day once I could walk. He was born at 1.6kg, losing 200 grams within 24 hours as they had to pump my body with lots of fluid before he was born due to the sepsis. We spent 11 weeks watching our little warrior grow until his due date, blessed that he was the strongest little fighter I have ever seen in my life! He has along in leaps and bounds and is now 7mths corrected and enjoying his solids, just about sitting up by himself and is the most happiest baby with the cheekiest smile! The journey of NICU is at times the most heartbreaking thing I have ever experienced, the emotional and mental toll is undescribable, to feel helpless as you watch your little warrior fight is heart-wrenching but I am a true believer in every negative has a positive and for me, it was being able to hold my baby to my chest all day every day for an extra 11 weeks of his life. Miracles are beautiful!
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