We need your help to ensure WA’s at-risk newborns have immediate access to the best standard of care 

Around 4,000 signatures have been received. We need more! The petition closes on 13th October.

Miracle Babies Foundation have partnered with Helping Little Hands to call on the Western Australian Government and Health Minister of Western Australia to urgently reverse the decision of locating the new Women and Babies’ Hospital (WBH) to Murdoch, a site 20km from Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH) and not co-located with a tertiary paediatric hospital.We are asking for the help of West Australian community to sign our petition calling for the WA government to reverse this decision as matter of urgency.

Key concerns with this new proposed site:

  • Fiona Stanley Hospital is not equipped to care for extremely pre-term babies  
  • The new location is also impacted by lack of availability of specialists for critical pre-term babies and newborns requiring life-saving surgery
  • Newborn babies who need immediate surgery after birth will be at significant risk, having to be transported more than 20km away 
  • Risk of increased mental health impacts with separation of mother and baby  
  • Risk of increased birth related trauma for mother, father and/or partner 

The Implications: 

For our sickest, smallest, and most vulnerable babies and their families, any movement and distance needed to travel to receive urgent lifesaving treatment can be life-threatening.   

Without the co-location of the Womens and Babies Hospital with a major tertiary children’s hospital, death and life-long disability rates of our most vulnerable babies is at risk of rising.  

Separation between parents and their babies will also increase as mothers will remain at the Womens and Babies Hospital 20kms away. 

Mental health of parents will be affected and this decision will hugely impact families and their babies who are currently in the hospital, along with the future families of Western Australia.  

Please support our message 

We are partnering to call attention to this issue and present it to the Western Australian Government in hopes they will reconsider the relocation of the newly proposed hospital and increase input from consumers in this important decision.

The relocation is planned to begin construction in 2024. We urge the Government to consider best practice, which would ensure that the Womens and Babies Hospital is co-located with a major Tertiary Children’s Hospital with the facilities to provide life-saving surgery and specialist treatment. 

Miracle Babies Foundation, Helping Little Hands and Western Australian residents who have lived the experience of WA health services for mothers and babies hold serious concerns that this decision will lead to poorer outcomes for these vulnerable babies and families.

Today, we ask the Australian community to please join us as we draw attention to this issue and call on the Western Australian Government to reconsider for the future of Western Australia’s premature and sick babies and their families. 

* To sign the e-petition you must be a West Australian resident, citizen or elector in a nominated electorate.