Royce, 27 Weeks

Miracle mum Rowenna shares Royce's story:

The day that our miracle baby was born was a day filled with strong emotions. From anxiety, to fear, to confusion, to sadness, to anticipation and back around again.

Our journey started like any other day, I went into school and taught my class of 30 students, not knowing I was in labour.
My husband Rhys was home from his FIFO work and prepping and painting the babies room when he got the phone call from me to say that I was bleeding (ended up being my mucus plug discharge). Rhys picked me up from work and we went straight to Rockingham General Hospital in Perth. The nurse checked for the babies' heart beat and everything was okay. It wasn't until the doctor did a vaginal exam that she saw that I was 5cm dilated. I will never forget the words from the nurse, 'I am going to press this button and a lot of people are going to enter the room'. My heart sank. Tears poured out uncontrollably. I was in labour with a footling breech and our miracle baby was coming. I was too far dilated at the time to be transferred to King Edwards Memorial Hospital (KEMH) in Subiaco. So I was pumped full of drugs to help slow down the contractions and to help our baby until the NET team arrived.

Our miracle baby Royce was born via emergency C section at 2pm at 27 weeks gestation. I never got to hold my baby when he was delivered. Rhys held him next to me just for a split second until the team took him away again. There were so many plugs and cords attached to him which made no sense to us at the time. Royce was transferred to KEMH without myself and Rhys. I went into recovery and spent hours in the hospital bed without my baby. It wasn't until 11pm that night that I was then transferred to KEMH. By time, we got there I needed the rest and we didn't get to see Royce until the very next day.

My first visit with Royce in the NICU was heartbreaking. He was so little and fragile. There was constant beeping and noises of the machine, it was all so overwhelming.

Royce is an absolute fighter. He spent 10 weeks in the NICU and SCN. After endless hours of hospital visits and being an hour drive away from him was the most tiring, emotional and stressful time.
The day finally came when we got to take him home, the day before Christmas, the greatest Christmas wish.
Royce is now a happy, cheeky and loving toddler with an abundance of energy.

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