3 September 2024

Natalis’ makes a positive difference to the lives

of 10,000 families

In 2020 at the very launch of the new brand, Natalis and Miracle Babies Foundation embarked on the start of a partnership that soon became an integral part of the Foundation’s growth. As of this year, the partnership with Natalis (owned by VidaCorp - DBG Health Pty Ltd), an Australian owned pregnancy multivitamin brand, will have supported around 10,000 families through vital peer support services, resources, gifts on Mother’s Day and Memory Boxes for bereaved families. With majority of funding delivering much needed support toward expansion of the Foundation’s NurtureProgram including in-hospital and after discharge support, Natalis’ support has been invaluable for Australian families facing the birth of a premature or sick newborn.

Natalis x Miracle Babies Foundation Highlights

Bringing a smile to Mothers in the Neonatal Unit

For 4 years, Natalis sponsored Miracle Babies’ Mother’s Day gifts, providing special support and a smile for those facing the difficult experience of having their newborn in specialised care over special occasions like Mother’s Day. Over this time, around 5,500 gifts were delivered to Mothers across Australia.

In addition, Natalis raised awareness of the challenges of having a baby born premature or sick, the NICU experience and shared the shared the stories of families like Amelia’s.


Support for Bereaved Families

Memory Boxes provide solace to families sadly grieving the loss of their newborn, providing special keepsakes for a family to hold onto and cherish those memories in their baby’s short life. Natalis has supported 200 bereaved families.

Natalis, Presenting Partner for Miracle Moon Walk

Between 2021 and 2024, Natalis was a Presenting Partner for Miracle Babies’ Miracle Moon Walk in Sydney, the Foundation’s largest event of the year. As part of this, Natalis sponsored the Giant Dedication Wall, allowing families to honour their child or somebody close to them in which they were walking for on the night. Their support for the Top Fundraising Awards and Double Donation Drives helped to deliver record fundraising results for the event. Stay tuned for news on 2025’s Miracle Moon Walk!


Amplifying their support through campaigns to multiply impact

Over the years, Natalis has also supported several major campaigns for the Foundation, supporting over and above fundraising to allow the Foundation to continue to expand its reach. This includes Quadruple Giving Day for 4 years, along with part of the team running the NIKE Melbourne Marathon and trekking Larapinta for Miracle Babies!

You can read more about Natalis, Corporate Partner to Miracle Babies, by clicking the link below.

Natalis - Corporate Partner