The love and strength of Miracle Mum, Jessica helped guide her baby girl through a difficult first 12 months of life. The family share the story of welcoming baby Valentina into the world:
"Valentina was born at 23.6 weeks weighing 725 grams. Mum was having issues at 23 weeks where she was flown from Port Hedland on the royal flying doctor service and transferred straight to King Eddie's.
It was touch and go all week until Valentina was born on the Saturday. We didn't know what to expect or what was going to happen as the future looked very dim. Valentina fought hard through a lot of adversity. She had a PDA (patent ductus arteriosus) which wouldn't close and as such had to be operated on at about 2kg. She also battled kidney stones, brain bleeds and had Lasik on her eyes all before age one.
We kept telling ourselves that everything was going to be OK and put complete faith in the superstar nurses, doctors and specialists at both KEMH and PMH. It was a long road but after 5 long months Valentina returned home to Port Hedland just before XMAS.
Mum Jessica handed everything like a complete superstar and Valentina drew on her strength and love and is the reason she is with us today.
Last week we celebrated Valentina's 4th birthday and she is now a happy, beautiful, content child who is an absolute angel and superstar.
This story is to give hope to all families going through a similar story, believe everything will be all right and it will be."
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