Special thanks to all our contributors to Nurture 'E' - The EEE Impact information hub. Your guidance, advice and collaboration is greatly appreciated in helping us toward our vision of 'Happy and healthy families reaching their potential.'
- Philippa Grimston
- Megan Norbury
- Kylie Pussell
- Assoc. Prof. Samudragupta Bora, Neonatologist/Researcher
- Dr Natasa Car-Kovacevic, Psychologist
- Prof. Jeanie Chong, Neonatal Paediatrician/Researcher
- Dr Clemence Due, School of Psychology, University of Adelaide
- Dr Abbey Eeles, Knowledge Translation Fellow/Occupational Therapist
- Dr Robert Guaran, Neonatologist/Researcher
- Raelene Harding, Primary School Educator
- Prof. Ross Haslam, Neonatologist/Researcher
- Dr Kate Hodgson, Consultant Neonatologist/Researcher
- Dr Elias Kehdi, Ophthamalogist
- Dr John Levison, Neonatologist
- Belinda Martin, Dietitian
- Prof. Angela Morgan, Speech and Language Pathologist
- Kate Obst, School of Psychology, University of Adelaide
- Dr Melissa Oxlad, School of Psychology, University of Adelaide
- Dr Ingrid Reiger, Neonatologist/Researcher
- Sam Rowntree, Speech Therapist
- Jo Sheils, Neonatal Nurse
- Prof. Alicia Spittle, Physiotherapist
- Prof. William Tarnow-Mordi, Neonatologist/Researcher
- Amy Thompson, Occupational Therapist
- Dr Mark Westphalen, Paediatrician
- Leah Winder, Neonatal Nurse
- Beajaye Wright, Social Work
- Pieta Shakes - Registered Nurse/ Credentialed Mental Health Nurse
- Dr Joseph Thomas - Senior Specialist Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Dr Nicole Highet and Ariane Beeston - Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE)
- Dr Sarah Malone - Consultant Obstetrician
- Dr Sarah Peek - Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Mardee Greenham - Childhood Stroke Coordinator
- Professor Craig Pennell - Chair in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Professor of Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Sharon Sullivan - Speech Pathologist
- Professor Shyan Vijayasekaran - Clinical Professor |ENT
- Dr Ellen Skladzien, Consultant
- Clare Dimer, Senior Social Worker
Rachel Jones, Clinical Midwifery Consultant - Infant Feeding NICU
- Katherine Carroll, PhD, Associate Professor
- Mary-Ellen Youseman | Lactation Consultant
- Dr Lisa Hong - Neonatologist
- Dr Anthony Herbert | Director of QLD Paediatric Palliative Care Service
Dr Albert Vu - Research Registrar
Professor Dharmintra Pasupathy - Professor of Maternal & Fetal Medicine The University of Sydney
Jen Ivey, Occupational Therapist
Dr Mantho Kgosiemang | Director Newborn Services Royal Darwin Hospital
- Dr Sophie Jones - Lecturer - University of Melbourne
- Dr Nele Legge - Neonatologist
- Natalia Toumbourou - Neonatal Service Development
- Helen Patterson - NICU nurse practitioner and educator
- Australian Dyslexic Association
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance
- ADHD Australia
- Epilepsy Foundation Australia
- Down Syndrome Australia
- NEC Society
- The Global Gastroschisis Foundation
- Kidney Health Australia
- Heart Kids Limited
- Autism Awareness Australia
- Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE)
- Developmental Coordination Disorder Australia Inc
- Stroke Foundation
- The Continence Foundation of Australia
- Birth Trauma Australia
We thank all previous contributors for their support
- Melinda Cruz
- Andrea Hendry
- Renee Sharpe
- Kylie Caponas
- Emma Davies
- Kara Dubois
- Sharee Goodridge
- Natalie Merida
- Lorraine Paton
- Jo Rowntree
- Madeline Pussell
- Anne Marie Kennedy
- Rachael Taufer
- Tina Parker
- Robyn Sheen