Rowenna Baker

Consumer Representative

Rowenna is a proud mum to miracle baby Royce, who was born at 27 weeks gestation in 2022.

Rowenna's journey started like any normal day, went into school and was teaching her class of 30 students, not knowing that she was in labour. Luckily, her husband Rhys was home at the time and was due to fly out for his fifo work the next day, when Rowenna went into labour due to a footling breech.

After Royce was born via emergency C section, he was transferred to King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth with the NET team. However, Rowenna waited in recovery and was transferred later that night where they had to wait until the next day to see their miracle baby. Royce spent 70 days in the NICU and SCN and came home the day before Christmas. The greatest Christmas wish.

Royce is now a happy, cheeky and loving toddler with an abundance of energy.

Rowenna has a Bachelor in Early Childhood Education and has been a teacher for the last 12 years. She is looking forward to joining the team and helping others through their NICU journey.