Lauren Voucatos

Consumer Representative

Lauren is a dedicated mum of two amazing kids, Sebastian, 5 and Isabella, her little warrior who is 2. After a textbook pregnancy with Sebastian, the last thing she expected was the early arrival of Isabella in March 2022 at just 24+2 weeks, weighing a tiny 660g. The next 166 days in NICU at Monash Childrens Hospital, and everything that followed has marked a challenging yet profoundly inspiring chapter in their lives.

Lauren was in NICU by Isabella’s side, every day; learning and advocating for Isabella every step of the way. Isabella had many challenges to overcome as expected with a micro premmie; from Chronic Lung disease, ROP – requiring laser eye therapy, infections, blood transfusions, countless scans and medical interventions with the list going on. This little miracle is now a thriving 2 year old with a fiery personality that matches her red hair.

Lauren works full time as a Human Resource Director with her professional journey complemented by a deep personal commitment to raising awareness about premature birth and its implications, including life after hospital, which is a stage that many underestimate.

During Isabella's hospitalisation, Lauren was honoured to share Isabella’s story with 7 News alongside Running for Premature Babies, talking about the critical role of research and foundations in saving precious lives like Isabella's.

Alongside managing the demands of a career and parenthood, Lauren is excited to be involved in advocacy and progression for treatment of premature babies and their families; driven by the hope of supporting families and advancing medical breakthroughs for better outcomes and brighter futures.