What does Dyscalculic look like from a trained professional and parent’s “view” in everyday life at home too. CLICK HERE to read article.
“Researchers have found that preterm children are at an increased risk of having general cognitive and mathematic problems.
The study's results, which looked at 922 children between the ages of seven and nine, showed that there is no direct correlation between preterm births and dyscalculia. However, the authors showed that being small-for-gestational-age is an indicator of whether a child is likely to have dyscalculia.
Children who are born very preterm, before 32 weeks, of gestational age have a 39.4% chance of having general mathematic impairment compared to 14.9% of those born at term (39 to 41 weeks)”
Dyscalculia is a lifelong condition that makes it hard for individuals to perform math-related tasks. It is not as well known or understood as dyslexia. But some experts believe it is just as common. Experts do not yet know for sure if dyscalculia is more common in girls or in boys. But most agree it is unlikely that there is any significant difference.
Individuals with a dyscalculia profile will have trouble with many aspects of mathematics. They often do not understand quantities or concepts like biggest verse smallest. They may not understand that the numeral 5 is the same as the word five.These skills are sometimes called number sense.
Individuals with dyscalculia also have trouble with the mechanics of doing mathematics, such as being able to recall basic mathematics facts. They may understand the logic behind maths, but not know how or when to apply what they know to solve math problems.
They also often struggle with working memory. For example, they may have a hard time holding numbers in mind while doing math problems with multiple steps. Dyscalculia can cause different types of mathematical difficulties. Signs may vary from individual to individual. Dyscalculia can be quantitative, which is a difficulty in calculating; or qualitative, which is a difficulty in conceptualising mathematics processes; or mixed, which is the inability to integrate quantity and space. Dyscalculia often looks different at different ages. It tends to become more apparent as children get older. Symptoms can appear as early as preschool.
What to look for:
Infants & Primary Schooling:
Has difficulty learning and recalling basic math facts, such as 2 + 4 = 6. Struggles to identify +, ‒ and other signs, and to use them correctly. May still use fingers to count instead of using more advanced strategies, like mental maths. Struggles to understand words related to maths, such as greater than and less than. Has trouble with visual-spatial representations of numbers, such as number lines.
Has difficulty understanding place value. Has trouble writing numerals clearly or putting them in the correct column. Has trouble with fractions and with measuring things, like ingredients in a simple recipe. Struggles to keep score in sports games.
Diagnosis in Australia is made by an Educational Psychologist, a referral will be required from your Paediatrician if required. Please note that 6 months of intervention is required before a diagnosis can be made.
CLICK HERE to read article.
For further information please visit the Dislexia Association:
Special thanks to Australian Dyslexia Association for content sharing and linking to provide further information and direction for families with any concerns.
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